The Toxic Treatment: Harmful Chemicals in Canadian Cosmetics
By Sandra Madray, PCN Board
Moisturizers, conditioners, hair dyes, lipstick, nail polish,
perfumes and soaps: all of these are cosmetics – and some are hard to
avoid. Canadians spend at least $5.3 billion on cosmetics annually, and
yet we give very little thought to the long-term health effects of the
ingredients in our morning lather.
Health Canada regulates cosmetic ingredients through The Cosmetic
Regulations under the Food and Drug Act and a ‘Hotlist’ containing more
than 500 prohibited or restricted substances for cosmetic use. By
comparison, the European Union has banned approximately 1100 such
ingredients and the U.S., only 11. Manufacturers are required to send
Health Canada a list of ingredients 10 days after a product goes on the
Mandatory cosmetic labeling instituted by the Canadian federal
government requires all cosmetics to have labels disclosing most of
their ingredients. However, it is still hard to know whether a cosmetic
may contain toxic substances or contaminants harmful to our health,
since contaminants and residues do not have to be listed on a label even
if they are on the hotlist. For example, 1,4-dioxane, which is a
prohibited substance, does not have to be listed when it’s a
contaminant, as often occurs in the process of making sodium or ammonium
laureth sulphate.
It should trouble us that cosmetic companies – knowingly and without
our consent – are allowed to expose us to substances that may cause
cancer, disrupt our hormone systems, affect our reproductive systems or
even the babies we carry, affect brain development, or contribute to
allergies or sensitivities.
Manufacturers claim that their products are safe and that low levels
of toxic ingredients should not affect human health – and the Canadian
government agrees with this!. But we should never forget the myriad of
other toxic substances that are part and parcel of our daily exposure,
such as those from plastics, car exhaust, household chemicals, pesticide
residues on food and trace chemicals in water. Chemicals do interact
with each other, potentially compounding their negative effects. Given
the gross lack of data on the long-term or combined health effects of
the majority of cosmetic ingredients, low concentrations of toxic
chemicals should not be reason for their approval
Not all cosmetics contain toxic chemicals. Positive examples exist
right at our fingertips (see box for a list of common, safer ones). It
is time that the beauty industry (and the regulators that govern it)
support truly healthy bodies, not just ones that look that way.
There are more ways than one to push the beast out of beauty. Prevent Cancer Now is working with
Breast Cancer Action Montreal
to promote a national Safe Cosmetics Campaign on May 10 – Mother’s Day.
Look for details in future issues of An Ounce and on the PCN website.
Find out how you can be instrumental in bringing about the changes we
deserve to ensure that we have safe cosmetics.
Sandra Madray is a PCN Board Member and co-founder of Chemical Sensitivities Manitoba
Here is a list of some safer cosmetics available
Almay Pure Blends
Aloe Organics
Aubrey Organics
Avalon Organic
Burt’s Bees
Desert Essence Organics
Dr. Hauschka
I Love My Botanicals
Kiss My Face
Millcreek Botanicals
Nature Clean
Nature’s Gate
New Co Natural Technology
NoMiss Nail Polish
Physician’s Formula – Organic Wear
Prairie Naturals
Pure Anada
Sonoma Soap Company